Our youth participate in ongoing and seasonal activities. There are a variety of seasonal activities including the Annual Christmas pageant.
Fisher Kids – Grades 3 to 6 (September-June)
Fisher Kids meets the first Monday of the month from 5:00-6:30pm to play games, do projects, and build community. We end our time together with a simple supper. For more information, email Rev. Audrey. Middle School/High School Youth Group This Youth Group meets with the clergy every other week for fun activities, community service, and planning time usually after church at 12 noon. For more information, email Rev. Melissa or Rev. Audrey. |
Acolytes - 6th Grade and older - Acolytes assist the clergy during the 8:15 and 10:15am services. Younger acolytes serve as torch bearers and older ones as crucifers.
Readers/Lectors – Middle School and Older. We invite all youth who would like to read Scripture lessons in church to train for this ministry. Chalice Bearers—Eleventh Grade and older. Confirmed teens can be prepared to serve the chalice at services. Training is provided. If you are interested in serving in any of these roles, please contact either Rev. Melissa or Rev. Audrey. |